Study Guides

Prepare for DANB exams with study guide plans

Our study guide plans use trusted resources to help you prepare for DANB exams. The study guide plans break down study assignments in an easy-to-follow, week-by-week format to help you prepare in a clear, step-by-step way.

How it works

The study guide plans are based on the exam outlines and use DALE Foundation review courses and practice tests, plus textbooks. You can use other materials to prepare for the exam; however, be sure that the materials you use cover the content from the exam outline.


  • Uses trusted resources
  • Based on successful study strategies
  • Breaks down content into manageable sections
  • Outlines weekly study assignments
  • Sends you weekly reminders, if you opt in

RHS Study Guide Plan


The plan is based on the RHS exam outline.

Weekly reminder sign up

Sign up to receive weekly email and text reminders about your study assignments.

RHS Sign up

ICE Study Guide Plan


The plan is based on the ICE exam outline.

Weekly reminder sign up

Sign up to receive weekly email and text reminders about your study assignments.


GC Study Guide Plan

  • Coming soon


Why it works

In addition to using trusted materials, the study guide plans also incorporate the science of studying. Begin by enhancing your knowledge through the textbook and review course assignments. Then, use the practice test to confirm and reinforce your understanding, while building confidence and becoming comfortable with a timed exam.

The study guide plans also incorporate successful study strategies, including:

  • Spacing out study sessions. The week-by-week format paces the material so you have time to fully absorb the information.
  • Building in practice. The practice test and end-of-course assessment reinforces your knowledge and identifies areas for further study.
  • Active learning. Passive reading alone is often not enough. You are encouraged to complete the activities in the textbook, and the review course includes interactive elements to drive home concepts. Following the study tips, like creating flashcards, further engages you in the material.
  • Focused and mixed content review. The study guide plans begin by having you focus on one content area at a time. The final study session brings it all together when you review all content areas together.
  • Encouraging further review. You're encouraged not to memorize correct answers but to look up why those answers are correct and understand the reasons, so you can build a deeper understanding of the information.

In a small study, candidates who used the RHS Study Guide Plan passed the RHS exam at a higher rate than candidates who did not use the study guide plan. Using the study guide plan does not guarantee a candidate will pass the DANB exam.

Study tips

  • Make a plan. Set a study schedule each week, and block time on your calendar.
  • Take notes. As you go through the textbook and review course, write out the terms and definitions by hand to help commit them to your memory. Take notes on key concepts and terminology. Make flashcards and quiz yourself throughout each study session.
  • Complete textbook exercises. Complete all chapter exercises, including the recall and critical thinking questions. If you don't know the answers, look them up and make a note.
  • Practice smarter. In the practice test, mark questions you feel uncertain about by selecting “add to question bank,” so you can go back and review. If you get an answer wrong, review that section and update your notes.
  • Understand why. Don’t just memorize the correct answers to practice questions. Make sure you understand the reason why the answer is correct.
  • Use your score to study. At the end of the practice test or post-course assessment, you will see your score. If you did not receive the score you had hoped for, go back and review the chapters and review course modules. Aim to get at least 80% on practice tests and the post-course assessment.