4 benefits of holding multiple DANB certifications

Earning DANB certification is a milestone achievement in the career of many dental assistants, and more than 36,000 people hold this distinction. There are many benefits to DANB certification, ranging from personal pride to greater knowledge, higher job satisfaction, and — in many instances — higher pay.
Some individuals hold multiple DANB certifications, which can come with even more personal and professional advantages.
Higher earning potential
DANB’s Salary and Satisfaction Survey has consistently found that Certified Dental Assistants earn more than non-certified assistants. Holding multiple certifications can further boost your earning potential. The latest salary survey showed that the median hourly pay is $26 per hour for dental assistants with multiple DANB certifications, while those with one certification earn $24 per hour. Additionally, 63% of dental assistants with multiple certifications reported that they received a pay raise within the last year, compared to 53% of those with one certification. Receiving a raise or bonus was reported as the top reason Certified Dental Assistants chose to earn another certification.
Increased knowledge and confidence
Earning multiple certifications requires a commitment to learning and improving your skills as a dental assistant. This helps you provide better care to patients and have the confidence that you’re up to date on the latest developments in dentistry. Half of dental assistants with multiple certifications reported greater confidence as one of the benefits, while 44% of those with one certification agreed. Additionally, 65% of those with multiple certifications reported personal pride as a top benefit.
More leadership opportunities
Your dental assisting career can lead to many exciting opportunities, and pursuing multiple certifications only increases your potential pathways. Some individuals with multiple certifications take on additional dental assisting responsibilities, such as elevating to a team lead, becoming an infection control coordinator, or taking on expanded functions as allowed in their state. Others move into different areas of the dental profession. For example, DANB’s latest salary survey showed that those with more than one certification were more likely to be educators or practice managers.
Improved career satisfaction
Because holding multiple certifications can open up more job opportunities, this can often lead to higher career satisfaction. DANB’s satisfaction survey showed that 66% of certificants are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their jobs. However, the satisfaction rate jumped to 78% for those with multiple certifications.