North Dakota Dental Assistant Requirements
Each state has different requirements for dental assistants. This page includes links to all the information you need to understand the requirements for dental assistants in this state. View the different dental assisting levels, along with the requirements for each. You can also view the allowable duties at each level.
Dental Assistant Levels and Requirements
Registered Dental Assistant
Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) with Restorative Functions Permit
Dental Anesthesia Assistant with Anesthesia Assisting Permits (Class I and II)
Registered Dental Assistant with Permit in Administering Nitrous Oxide
Registered Dental Assistant Requirements
To earn status as a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) in North Dakota, one must:
1a. Within one year prior to application, have passed DANB’s national Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) exam or have completed a CODA-accredited or North Dakota board-approved dental assisting program, OR
1b. Have passed DANB’s national CDA exam and submit evidence of prior employment as a dental assistant or have completed a CODA-accredited or North Dakota board-approved dental assisting program (more than one year prior to application), and have completed 16 hours of continuing education within two years prior to application, OR
1c. Be licensed in good standing in another jurisdiction and possess qualifications, education, or experience substantially similar to the requirements for licensure in North Dakota. Applicants must submit evidence of at least one year of prior employment as a dental assistant, have completed 16 hours of continuing education, and meet any other requirement set by the Board, OR
1d. Have passed an examination administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations UCNDE) or the dental hygiene certification board of Canada (FDHRC) and have completed 16 hours of continuing education within two years prior to application
2. Pass a written examination of the laws and rules governing the practice of dentistry in North Dakota within one year of application, AND
3. Maintain current CPR certification, AND
4. Provide verification of completing an infection control course within two years prior to application (if graduation from approved program or passing DANB’ s CDA exam occurred more than two years prior to application), AND
5. Apply for registration to the North Dakota State Board of Dental Examiners (NDSBDE)
To apply pit and fissure sealants under the general supervision of a licensed dentist, a registered dental assistant must provide documentation of successful completion of a North Dakota board-approved sealant course or training that includes hand-skills, and has received an endorsement from the board.